Happenings at St. Luke's Episcopal Church
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Events Calendar
Monthly Outreach
January: Regional Council for Christian Ministries
In January, we follow the program set forth by the Regional Council for Christian Ministries. This project can range from food basket donations, food distribution, and so much more.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit https://tumcif.org/trinitygroups/rccm.html
February: SIM Ministry
The Society for the Increase of the Ministry (SIM) is a scholarship organization and a scholarly organization. We work with this community to lead adaptive change and cultivate wisdom though recruitment, scholarships, convening, consulting and publications.
For more information, please visit https://simministry.org/
March: Episcopal Relief and Development
March is dedicated to partnering with Episcopal Relief & Development.
For recent service projects, please visit https://www.episcopalrelief.org/
April: CEI Scholarship
The College of Eastern Idaho scholarship is funded by the CEI Foundation. Investing in the College of Eastern Idaho through the CEI Foundation will help transform the lives of individuals and create a better-prepared workforce.
To support the CEI scholarship, visit https://www.cei.edu/
May: Paradise Point
It is well documented that outdoor ministry settings are among the most important places and opportunities to encounter God, building awareness and faith. The combination of extended time away, the inspiration of nature’s wonders, and the faith witness of college-age counselors and adult leaders has a transforming effect on young people. They hear and ascertain how God is active in this world; they see the love of God expressed before their eyes in the community life they share at camp. Parents routinely tell us about the spiritual and maturity changes they observe in their Paradise Point campers.
June: Necessary Needs Cabinets
A girl scout project to place items a person cannot buy with food stamps in a cabinet outside the front door of the church for people of pick up when in line for the Idaho Falls Community Food Basket across the street. Click to read more or to donate.
July: Community Outreach Center
The Community Outreach Center (a.k.a. “The COC”) is an outreach of St. Luke’s and has been in the community for 15 years. The COC has a Board of Directors whose main reason for being is to take care of the building, which is located on the corner of 3rd and Boulevard. The COC houses (free of charge) the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen.
Donations to the COC enable them to continue to provide these services at a central location in Idaho Falls. You can make your financial donation by check or cash and place it in the plate on Sunday or mail it to the church office. Be sure to note that it is for the COC or our July Outreach.
For more about the COC and how you can help, visit https://ifoutreach.org/
August: Friends in Service Here (FISH)
The FISH program – or “Friends In Service Here” – is a “last resort” agency filling those needs not met through normal channels. During the current school year, FISH has provided 842 students with school supplies.
To help, visit https://ifoutreach.org/#FISH
September: Soup Kitchen
We dedicate September to helping the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen, housed within the COC. The Soup Kitchen has grown to where it is now open seven days a week and serves over 55,000 meals a year. To learn how to volunteer or to donate, please visit https://ifoutreach.org/#SoupKitchen
October: United Thank Offering
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church, through inviting individuals to practice gratitude and to notice the good things that happen each day, while giving thanks to God.
To learn more about the United Thank Offering mission, or for more resources on practicing gratitude, please visit https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/united-thank-offering/
Turkey Box Letter 2024 November: Thanksgiving Food Baskets click here to read 2024 Outreach letter.
To give to the annual St. Luke’s Turkey Boxes, send a check to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church with Turkey Box in the memo line or use the Realm account giving code.

December: Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is an annual program put on by the Salvation Army and the Idaho Falls Corp to help the community during the holiday season.
Please visit https://idahofalls.salvationarmy.org/idaho_falls/ for information about Angel Tree, and for more ways to help in the Idaho Falls community.
Soup Kitchen
Food Basket

Necessary Needs Cabinet
The Necessary Needs Cabinet is our outreach that provides personal care products that are not covered through other SNAP benefits or other agencies, such as shampoo, toothpaste, razors, etc. We also offer a section for food and pet care supplies for cats and dogs. People are welcome to donate items or money to assist this outreach project.
Worship & Service Times
Sunday 8:00 am Rite I, quick and quiet service with traditional language
Sunday 10:30 am Rite II, longer service with diverse music and contemporary language.
Many children prefer this service.
Wednesday 1:00 pm quick and quiet service with traditional language with emphasis on the saints
We Do Weddings!
Costs of Wedding Services
Deposit—due when firm date is set with clergy $200
Priest (indoor wedding) $300
Priest (outdoor wedding with travel) $1000
It is customary to give the clergy an honorarium. $300.00 is the suggested minimum amount.Honorarium for clergy is paid to them directly in the form of cash or check made out to him/her.
Musician (organist)* $250
If you would like to have an instrumental or vocal soloist, please discuss this with the organist. Fees will be extra.
Altar Guild $100
Acolyte $35
Sexton $100
Sanctuary Member no charge
Non-member $500
Parish Hall: Member no charge
Non-member $500
Janitorial service must be arranged when parish hall is reserved. A mandatory fee for cleaning is charged for use of parish hall. Arrangements can be made through the church administrator.
Flowers for Altar Actual cost from florist
All charges for members of St. Luke’s are suggested amounts

St. Luke’s holds baptisms 5 times a year: the Baptism of Jesus in the winter, Easter Eve often in the Spring, Pentecost in the summer, and St. Luke’s feast day and All Saints Day in the Fall. Baptismal vows can be reaffirmed at the annual Bishop’s visit. Anyone can be baptized after a conversation with our priest. Classes may be required before or after baptism. Godparents or sponsors must be practicing Christians.
Bells Angels Choir meets every Wednesday at 6:45pm in Choir Loft. Director is Janet Miller
Adult Choir meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in Sanctuary. Choir Director is Vicky Macfarlane and Faith & Harmony Directors are Angie Lee and Carolyn Neblett.

“Prayground” – Sundays 9:00 am Ages 3-10 – for younger kids
What is “Prayground?” Young people learn to go to church by going to church. Our Parish has an area with small tables, art supplies, soft surfaces and a playpen for young children. Children are invited to come close to the altar during communion if they are curious.
Sunday School
Benjamin and Ellie Rollins are planning youth activities and religious studies for youth. Look for more updates.
Sunday 9:00 am
Spiritual Companion Circle
Monthly on first Sunday
We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.

We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.
We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.
We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.
Thank You For Joining Us at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Our church is located at 270 N Placer Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402 , across the street from Liberty Park, near the intersection of S Blvd and Elm St.
Have questions for our church’s administrative team, or need pastoral care?
Fill out the form below to contact us.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church
270 N Placer Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Phone: 208-522-8465
Email: communications@stlukesif.org